Fabrizio Cicconi, styling Francesca Davoli

Francesca : My professional journey began as a stylist and creative consultant for companies and journalistic publications, amidst a flow of events, stimuli, and encounters that made these twenty years of work vibrant and fulfilling.
Since 2011, I have been experiencing a happy creative symbiosis with the photographer Fabrizio Cicconi, with whom I create visual narratives, real stories of characters, homes, places, and flavors. Our collaboration has resulted in an endless number of publications in the most prestigious Italian and foreign magazines.

Fabrizio: I have been a professional photographer since 1987, starting my training by working in a prominent photography studio. From 1990 onwards, my work has focused on the investigation of the human figure and inhabited spaces. After several collective and solo exhibitions in recent years, I have been able to put my research into practice through interior services that are published in major national and international interior design magazines, such as Elle Decoration UK, Schöner Wohnen, D di Repubblica, and Marie Claire Maison.